This is "Peaches" who was photographed by Animal Advocates Alliance volunteer Lisa Wyatt on a Tuesday at North Central Shelter in Los Angeles. She was a sad, pathetic sight. She had made herself small enough to fit on one tiny hand towel that was placed in her run as a bed. She was clearly blind, and shaking... badly... to the point where Lisa thought she might have some kind of nerve disorder or brain damage.
She had been bred, and was still lactating, no sign of the puppies.
When Lisa inquired about her at the front, staffer Delicia exclaimed, "I love that dog!!! You have to meet her!" Lisa agreed to take some pictures and network her.
Well, Delicia was right. Peaches was amazing. Super sweet and full of life. She was an owner surrender, dumped on Sunday, and red-listed because she was blind. Peaches had until Friday before they would PTS. Lisa sent out an email blast that night.
Well, when we received Lisa's e-mail plea, it was all over for us. I just knew we had to get that dog outta there! Wednesday morning we contacted Lisa, to let her know that we would do whatever it took to save this sweet, luv a bull pitbull.
Thursday, literally hours before her euthanasia, Lisa bailed her out! "Peaches" was promptly taken to the eye doctor to have her eyes diagnosed: advanced Glaucoma due to blunt trauma. She was in severe pain (hence the nervous shaking) and needed to have an enucleation. Everyone rallied to raise funds to pay for her surgery, and a week later, her surgery was performed by Dr. Silverman at Complete Animal Eye Care, in Sherman Oaks.
Peaches recovered at Lisa's house, and three months later Peaches was on her way to Luv-A-Bull!
Her transition to Luv-A-Bull went incredibly smoothly. She bonded instantly with the other dogs.
It was exactly what she needed, and we couldn't have been more pleased.
Peaches became particularly close to Luv-A-Bull favorite "Rhino." He is pretty irresistable. Rhino would guide Peaches on the trails during their walks, and ALWAYS let her win at tug-o-war.
Peaches spent 2 months with her friends at Luv-A-Bull, and in early 2011, she was ADOPTED by an amazing family. Peaches lives in their home with their other special needs dog "Moxie" on a 40 acre farm! Peaches latest pastimes are snoozing in the sun, swimming in the creek, and riding shotgun on the ATV.
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